Lip gloss effect, natural hydration

Lip Protection. Closeup of Beautiful Young Woman Healthy Lips. Female Model Mouth With Smooth Perfect Skin And Natural Manicure Touching Her Plush Lips. Lip Care And Beauty. High Resolution

Most patients who come for consultation to beautify the lips ask me for an increase in volume. However, a small percentage of these clients only desire hydration of the lips. A little more without volumetric increase.
Thus, I proceed in stages.


seringue acide hyaluronique

Hyaluronic acid injections to create the gloss effect

I use a moisturizing product rather than a volumizer. Hyaluronic acid is injected into the submucosa, the amount and the points injected depend on the wish of the patient.
The younger women, ask of me for a real and visible gloss effect, in this case the entire syringe is used. However, the women that fall in a slightly older age category,  rather request of me for a slight hydration, in the picture the result are visible before (A) and after ( B).  After the injection, the lips are significantly more hydrated. In these cases I use a half syringe and the other half I inject subcutaneously into the white lip.

Hyaluronic acid injections to sublimate the gloss effect

Once the gloss effect obtained it can be sublimated.

Create a natural vermillon border
The goal is to evaluate according to the patient's anatomy, a well-drawn vermillion border quickly values ​​a lip.

Discreet remodeling of the lower lip for a perfect smile
The bow of the ideal smile sees the curvature given by the upper incisors parallel to the curvature of the lower lip.

Restoration or creation of beauty curves
The lips can be flat, by genetic or aging, the goal is to inject and create an attractive lip profile without volumetric modification.

beauty, people, make-up and plastic surgery concept - close up of young woman lips
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I use a fractional ablative laser that I set to have a significant thermal effect and a mild ablative effect. The action is double, cutaneous (wrinkles the skin) and mucous, which, stimulates the vascularization and therefore the vitality of this layer.
This option is used mainly for older women who do not wish to use injections.

Written by Valeria Romano

Former intern at the Hospitals of Paris Graduate of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Paris 7 – Paris Diderot Registered with the medical board of Paris, n° 75/80452 More informations

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